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दातव्यमिति यद्दानं दीयतेऽनुपकारिणे |
देशे काले च पात्रे च तद्दानं सात्त्विकं स्मृतम् || 20||

Charity given to a worthy person simply because it is right to give, without consideration of anything in return, at the proper time and in the proper place, is stated to be in the mode of goodness.

- Bhagavad Geeta Ch 17, Verse 20

This section is a small contribution from my end. I have created a few guides and resources compiling my experiences, learnings and insights that others can find helpful.

Guide to studying abroad

I have created this document to share some of my resources and the insights I gained during my process of navigating through the masters journey and finding the most suitable masters program for myself.

Hello There!

Here’s to hoping that this guide helps you find your dream degree program :)

All the Best!!

Where do you start?
  1. Try to introspect on what exactly is it that you wanna do?

  2. Please focus on the question “WHY”. Believe me, the “where”(top Unis/popular cities), or “what”(Fancy degree name) won’t matter or rather wont be helpful if your “Why” isn’t sorted.

  3. Set your preferences to the top ranked and/or most influential Universities in the world.

  4. Visit their website and search for your related degree programs

  5. Don’t forget to check the program description of your selected programs

Things to look for:

1. Once you have got some programs that you find interesting, check for their Requirements regarding the fallowing

  • English Proficiency Test- IELTS/TOEFL

  • Minimum Qualification (degree/diploma)

  • Preferred streams- Design, Engineering, Science, Art, etc.

  • Minimum grade of Bachelor’s or previous education

  • What they expect in SOPs

  • How many LORs (References) are require

📌 Portfolio format- Pdf/Video/Images/Weblinks | Combination of them all.

2. What is their Application process like and when (date) are applications opening?

3. What are their current and graduated students doing? | The best way is through LinkedIn!

4. For Getting your LORs, approach the faculties or concerned individuals well in advance, so they have the time to draft you an LOR or get it in the right format.

Getting a Better Idea
  1. Check the portfolios of the current students and Alumni to know what the Uni is looking for and the standards they require your portfolio to meet.

  2. You can also check the social media handles of the Design departments of your target Unis to get updates on their student achievements, announcements, events and program updates.

  3. See if you can connect with some current students who might give you valuable insights.

  4. Attend Educational fares, as here you get to talk 1:1 with Uni reps, get your queries answered, know about other good options and upcoming programs.

Beware of......
  1. If you are approaching an Education Consultancy, then please have your list of preferred Unis ready, before approaching them.

  2. Why so? Because there are high chance they will recommend you to those Unis with whom they have tie-ups Well nothing wrong with that, but what if your dream program is not on that list….. So better, do your research first…know what YOU want!

  3. For the UK, Europe and Australia: Many consultancies offer free services, use this to your advantage! They at times help you with visas too.

These should be your priorities:
  1. Aim for the “top in that Country” or “Top in the world” Universities.

  2. If you are looking at UK, try Russel Group Unis, try IVY league Unis for US and for Australia, and target “Group of 8” Unis. If not these then Top 10 QS ranked Unis in that region, or for a specific subject.

  3. If you have a sufficient amount of time and the will to put in your hard and sincere efforts, then you can indeed get into the top Unis!! 

  4. While applying individually, please keep a close eye on Uni’s website and program pages, and reach out to them via mail if you have any doubts.

These should be your priorities:
  1. A crucial part of your planning phase is being aware of your expenses and making the required arrangements

  2. Did you know the majority of visa refusals are for missing or incorrect documentation, particularly relating to proof of finances?

  3. So secure your funds wisely, and go thorough research in terms of the best bank for YOU, in getting an educational loan.

  4. You should be pretty sure about what’s the ROI of your selected master's program, in terms of education, skills, opportunities and Financially as well!

  5. Having a Loan of 30Lakhs or 3 Crore on your head in your 20s is a serious thing, and till you nullify it, it's your parents who have to pay the interest amount, so know that this is serious stuff, be mindful of your decisions.

  1. Check QS World Rankings to know the rankings of your preferred Unis

  2. Try ADP List to connect and talk with some super amazing professionals, and get your portfolios reviewed 😉

  3. Me! 🙋‍♀️ I would be happy to help you anytime...just drop me a msg on WhatsApp or Email at


Don't forget to believe in yourself 🌻 I know this entire process can be overwhelming, but give it your sincere attempt. This age, this time and these opportunities might never come again, so trust me, you got this 😉 and I will see you on the other side! 🐳

If you found this useful, do leave a comment below, and spread some happiness!


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