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TATVA:M is being curated with an intent to be a open source library of resources in continuum, for all those embarking on the journey of designing the metaverse.

The Guidebook


TATVA:M is a guidebook of resources for the present and future designers of the metaverse. Currently, housing the 10 principles, bundled with future scenarios as possible use cases. An augmented version of the design thinking process has been proposed, weaving it with the prerequisites of the metaverse. Followed by a live trend mapping on FORCEPTS (Finance, Organization, Regulatory, Cultural, Environmental, Political, Technological & Social). Lastly, plotting positive-dystopian futures of the Metaverse across the three horizons.


Designing for a Planet-positive metaverse

As the Metaverse seeps into our realities, we need to anticipate and address its impact on the planet and its non-human species. While the overall functionality of the metaverse is proposed to provide sustainable alternatives, it still poses concerns and offers opportunities for improvements.
If empowered with the right tools and approaches, designers working to build the metaverse can leverage the power of design to create an environment that offers not only rich, immersive experiences but also envisions a healthier planet.

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